This long day care service service is an approved kindergarten program provider under the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme (QKFS)

Educational Programs at Bush Kidz Brassall
Daycare Activities at Bush Kidz Brassall
- Daycare Activities: Outdoor Environment
- Daycare Activities: Water Play Area
- Farm Activities for Children: Composting and Worm Farm
- Farm Activities for Children: Animal Farms
- Garden Activities for Children: Vegetable Garden
- Cooking Activities for Children: Junior Masterchef
- Child Health Program: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
- Library Programs for Children: Community Share Library
- Early Learning Activities: Kindergarten To Prep Transition
Our Kindergarten Program includes:
an accredited Kindergarten learning program based on the Queensland Kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG)
Three home style cooked meals each day
Kindergarten Program delivered by an Early Childhood Teacher
Play based learning opportunities that include early literacy, maths and STEM and our wonderful Bush Kidz Unique Learning Programs that include sustainability, science and Multi Cultural experiences
The additional benefit of attending the Kindergarten Program while also having the opportunity of accessing Long Day Care hours
*You may also be eligible for further fee discounts through the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme (QKFS). Please contact our centre on 3813 0975 to find out more.
Funded Kindergarten Program
Statement of Fees – Long Day Care Services
Kindergarten Program – details
Education Program – details
Kindergarten Fees (information current as at 31.05.21)p
(list the minimum cost of the kindergarten program as a rate per day)
$111.00 – 7AM – 5PM
$105.00 – 7.30AM – 4.30PM
$90.00 – 9AM – 3PM
(list inclusions, e.g. food, sunscreen)
(list commitment required of child to participate in the kindergarten program)
(8AM – 3.30PM)
(detail how the QKFS Plus Kindy Support and SEFIA Subsidy (if applicable) is passed on to eligible families)
Additional fees or levies
Provider information does not represent the official position of the Queensland Government
Approved Kindergarten Program Providers
As an approved provider, this service holds a current Queensland service approval for a centre based service, under the Education and Care Services National Law (National Law) or the Education and Care Services Act 2013, and an appropriate public liability insurance of at least $10 million. To be eligible to receive funding the service must provide a kindergarten program:
- To children who are at least 4 years of age by 30 June in their kindergarten year
- Delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher
- Aligned with the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, or other education program approved by the Queensland Curriculum and
Assessment Authority - For at least 15 hours a week, 40 weeks a year or a minimum of 600 hours over 37 weeks for services operated by non-state schools.
The Australian and Queensland Governments provide subsidies to support the delivery of kindergarten programs. For more information, visit